There is nothing we desire more than to delight our customers. However, we understand that you may not always be completely happy with the item(s) purchased through our online boutique. When this is the case, we strive to ensure a quick and easy cancellation and returns process. In accordance with EU regulations, you have the right to cancel your purchase within 14 days of receiving your order.

You can return your order within 30 days from the date of purchase. If the item(s) you wish to return has been purchased more than 30 days ago, it cannot be returned. Please note that the item(s) you choose to return must be unused, in its original packaging, in a good condition and must have all the tags and labelling attached to them in order to qualify for a refund. Items that are damaged and/or not in resale condition (including excessive perfume or smoke odour) will not be refunded and will be sent back to the original delivery address.

For hygiene reasons, items such as earrings cannot be returned and refunded. In the unlikely event that we have sent you the wrong item or an item is faulty because of which you would like to cancel and return your purchase, please email us asap at for further instructions. Failure to contact us prior to returning such an item(s) may result in issuing a standard refund as per our general returns policy. If you wish to return an item(s) please fill in the Returns Form enclosed with your parcel and send it with your parcel to the below address.
18 Hillbank, Bellingsfield, Naas, Kildare , W91EYR8.

All returns should be returned using a traceable service and reach us within the return period specified above. Please make a note of any tracking numbers or proof of postage in case they are required.

Within 24 hours of receiving your return package an email confirmation will be issued to you. The full amount paid (excluding return delivery costs) will be refunded to you using the original method of payment. In case you wish to return an item(s) due to a mistake on our part or because it is faulty, we will cover the cost of both the return shipping and the original shipping. Once returns are received and the item(s) is in acceptable conditions as outline above, your refund will be issued within 3 – 7 working days.

Wish to exchange for a different size or colour? No problem.  First simply email us quoting your order number to and detail what size / colour you would prefer instead.  Then return your original order to the above address in our standard returns section.  We will confirm by email once we have received your return and will dispatch your replacement size that same day.  You will not be charged a second delivery charge for this service. 
If you wish to exchange an item for another product please simply follow the standard returns policy outlined above. We will process the refund using the original method of payment and you are free to order another item from

Please note that the above Cancellation & Return conditions are applicable to all items on our online store except for Gift Cards. For more details on Gift Cards please see our Gift Card T&C.